
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More...About Adam

It was this last Easter the hubby and I were watching Netflix via Playstation. When I put the controller away I noticed that one of the video games was not in it's case. I ejected the disc from the Playstation and held it in my hand.  I started crying  uncontrollably when I realized that it was the game that Adam played when he was here last.

Ray Adam Mangiafico was a boy of 10 when he came into our lives. I know it seems strange to not meet your own nephew until he's 10, but if you read the About Joe on this blog, you will understand.

It was 2003 when I started watching Adam after school. The bus would drop him off right in front of my house every Monday through Friday. At first this seemed strange to me. Back west where I came from you were let off at the bus stop and had to walk home. But then again, I didn't live in a rural area.

This little man had the stinkiest feet! He just hated wearing socks. When he got off that bus the first place he went was in the bathroom to stick those stinky puppies in the bath tub. There was always a clean pair of white socks and sneakers awaiting him there (thanks to memaw for the shoes).

Missy (our dog) would get so excited when that bus pulled up. She waited at the door ready to jump on her Adam and give him slobbery kisses. They were always playing together. They even played hide and seek. He would hide some where and she would go nuts trying to find him. I hope that they are hanging out together now.

After a while we had his bike at the house so he could ride it around the neighborhood while he was there. One day he went off on his bike and never came back. Oh boy was I freaking out! It turned out that he rode his bike home which was about 4 miles away and just decided to stay there.

After he got to old for a babysitter we didn't get to hang out as much. We moved to the next county over and you know how teenagers like to hang out more with their friends and stuff. We weren't able to make it as many football games as we would have liked seeing as how they were always on a Friday night. Hubby has a long commute from work.

Luckily we did have a few family gatherings together. Last October most of the family was hanging out at ma's (Joe's first wife) during her last days.  It was Adam's 21st birthday. One of his other aunts and I went and bought him a birthday cake. When it came time to sing happy birthday he took the cake inside so his grandma could be a part of it.

One of the nights we were there he went to the store with one of his uncles and they came back with some pumpkin ale, pumpkin eggnog,  and even pumpkin cheesecake cause they knew how much I loved pumpkin!

I have two pumpkin ales in the fridge right now. One day he and I will share a toast.

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    Joe sounds like a kind spirited man who shared his love with those around him. I know your life was blessed with him in it. Thank you for sharing today's post and doing this for Joe. I'm sure you and he will have that toast one day.
