
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Giuseppe Bernardo's Naturalization Papers

I was so excited when hubby brought in the mail Saturday! Along with an unwanted bill, he handed me the long awaited naturalization papers for his great-grandfather Giuseppe Bernardo.  Of course I flung the bill and opened the manila envelope immediately.

After getting Paolo Michele Mangiafico's naturalization papers back in March I expected to learn the marriage date for Giuseppe from his papers; and I did. I also learned something new. Giuseppe was in the Italian Army.

The first set of papers had a form entitled Certificate of Arrival. This one has a Certificate of Examination. Giuseppe had a form called Affidavit in Support of Petition for Citizenship Based on Military, Naval, or Sea Service, where Paolo had one called Declaration of Intent.

Giuseppe entered the Italian Army January 18, 1917 and was discharged in December 1918. Googling around I found a website called  I was able to find one for an Italian soldier that might shed some light on what Giuseppe may have gone through.

Giuseppe's lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at New York on February 28, 1908 on the vessel Principe di Piemonte.  He did not stay put however. I have found three different passenger lists for him, but I think there is another one that I haven't been able to find.  There must be one for 1920 after he was discharged from the Italian Army because his wife and three kids came over in Feb of 1920 to join him.

So back to searching ship's lists.  I will not be defeated!

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