
About Joe

Joe was hubby's father. Joseph Leonard Mangiafico, a man he never met, a man he never even knew about until he was about 20 years old.  Before that he always thought someone else was his father, you know, the guy whose name is on his birth certificate.

Hubby and I were married in 1997.  It was 2002 before I was able to find anything out about Joe.  Unfortunately, the first thing I found out was that he died in 1992.  I then widened my search for any siblings that may exist.  Little did I know how many siblings I would find, and how many are still unaccounted for.

I decided that Joe deserved his own blog. I am also hoping that as I share everything I have learned during my pursuit that Joe's unaccounted sons and/or daughters will find their way here. It's kind of hard for me to find them without knowing who their mother's are.

I hope you enjoy reading about Joe and his ancestors as much as I enjoy pursuing them!